Saturday, February 12, 2011


Great week ! Sophie and Alex are becoming best friends. They are playing together more and more each week. Sophie usually doesn't let Alex join her tea parties but this week he was allowed to come. We went to the park again this week with Grandpa. Sophie loves to feed the ducks even though one gave her a good pinch on the hand. Sophie has such a great time at school. They had a Valentine's Day Party and she loved taking the goodies to all of her friends and brought home lots of yummy treats. She gave me a pink bag filled with my favorite chocolate candy. Thanks Sophie it was YUMMY !!! This week while Sophie was in school Alex and I went to visit Great Grandma and Great Great Grandma. We also went to visit Uncle Jim. He loved the visit. In the backyard at Jim has snakes,birds and a waterfall. Alex wants to go back again next week. They are both little nerds like their Mom. They can't get enough books.
Heritage Park

Ready to go see GG and GGG. Of course he is taking his Lighting McQueen book with him.
Playing at the park in front of the preschool.

Alex is resting up from his big day.

A little snack and a TV show at Grandma's house before Mom comes to pick them up.

Alex is ready to go see Uncle Jim.
Silly time.
Tea time.

That's one wild tea party.
Mom got flowers for her birthday and Sophie likes to admire them.

Alex needs longer legs but he loves to scoot around on the tricycle.
Hanging in the garage in a box of books. Did I mention that he is going to be a NERD like his Mom?

Alex always loves to wait in the kitchen window for the trash trucks to go by.
Sophie loves to join him just so she can be up on the counter.

Oh look. A snake just like the one in Jim's yard.

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