Friday, February 4, 2011


This week was full of fun. Sophie got to go to her new ballet class on Monday. Grandpa had Wednesday off so we all got to go to Heritage Park and feed the ducks and go on the giant slide. While Sophie was in school on Thursday Alex and I got to go hang out with Tom at my house. Alex even got Tom to stay awake for a while and read him a book. Sophie is ready for ballet class.

Sophie is showing me some of her ballet moves.

Alex and Sophie hanging out and being GOOFY.

Hooray Grandpa came by to read a book with Sophie Lou.
A fun afternoon at the park.

Sophie was a little freaked out when all the ducks started our way to get her cracker snack.
If you look between the slats of the bridge you can see ducks below.

Ready to go see Tom.
Alex makes a pillow mountain for the cars to race down.
This little guy can do this for hours.
Alex is taking a nap so Sophie is hanging out in the garage riding her tricycle.

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