Friday, February 18, 2011


It was a four day week. Things went great. Sophie and Alex are non stop entertainment. They never stop. Sophie got to see the Mary Poppins movie so she entertained me with songs from the movie. The funniest thing Sophie did this week.....We are in a restaurant and she ordered milk to drink. The drink came with a lid and a straw. When she went to drink the milk some spilled on her shirt. The next thing I know she is saying " Excuse me waiter. You filled my milk too full and some got on my shirt." The waiter apologised and said he would try to never do that again. You just NEVER know what is going to come out of her mouth. I'm just glad she was so polite when complaining to the waiter. Sophie went to her ballet class and she seems to really enjoy it. She had pictures taken at the preschool this week. I can't wait to see how they turned out. Alex asked to go see Uncle Jim so I took him over for a visit. He had Jim taking him for a walk and checking out cars. I didn't have much of a visit with Jim but Alex did. Alex is a big talker and he never runs out of things to talk about.
Ready for school.

Somebody has to do the dishes. Why not Alex !
Playing cars.

Always happy when eating !

Just hanging out waiting to help cook breakfast.

Building a city.

Best Friends.
Just hanging out in our PJ's most of the morning.

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