Saturday, October 9, 2010


Last week we had 110 degree weather. This week started out with RAIN !!! That is NOT a good thing because you do NOT want to be trapped in the house with Alex and Sophie. They love to be outside and be on the move every second of the day or they get a little CRABBY ! Lucky for me the rain didn't last long. We were only trapped in the house for a day and a half. The weather was back in the 80's and everybody is happy. We had lots of trips to the park to jump and play. HOORAY !!! Computer time

Inside time.
I brought Sophie a Halloween rat. She loves it.

More inside time. Alex loves to color and paint.

A little cold and wet in the morning but we went to the park anyway. Sophie was in preschool and we needed a fun activity.

Fun Slide !
Such a happy boy.

Pure cuteness.
Alex loves airplanes. Here is is watching the plane fly by.
Jumping down the curb kept him busy for a long time.

Alex downed this corn on the cob super fast. It's his second piece.

A visit to Grandma and Grandpa's house.

Jumping is FUN.
Have I mentioned that the kids like to be on the MOVE at ALL times.
Happy Halloween witch chair. Alex didn't want to sit in it. It scared him.

Hanging at the park with Grandpa Mike.

Grandpa Mike is training Sophie early to help wash the car. I'm not allowed to help because I don't do it right.

Fading fast.
Done !

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