Friday, October 1, 2010


This week was a fun week. We had a major heatwave and Karen and JP have NO air conditioning so we went on lots of outings. Sophie is still loving to go to preschool. Alex still loves to go and play on the playground before Sophie goes to class. While Sophie was in school Alex and I went to visit Great Great Grandma Nadine and GG Naomi. They have air conditioning for me and teddy grams for Alex. We went on an outing to my house where we got to go for a swim with cousin Holland and to hang out in the cool house. We took a couple of trips to the beach. One trip was to Huntington Beach. GG joined us in our adventure. We had a fun time and ended up at Fred's Mexican Restaurant for french fries. For some reason french fries makes Sophie and Alex super happy. We also went with Grandpa to the beach. We went swimming and played in the sand.Here is Alex staying cool in his underwear. Notice the wine rack. I can't seem to fill it up. I think that Tommie had something to do with it.

Here is Holland hanging out in the pool when it was 110 degrees.

Always happy to go for a ride.

You guessed it. It's another TRASH DAY !!

Taking a walk in the sand.

Hangin out at Fred's eating french fries.

Thanks for coming with me GG. I had fun.

Yummy french fries !!

Alex doing his business !!

Playing at the park.

Making friends.

That's one way to beat the heat.

Sophie can finally reach the peddles.

Beach day with Grandpa.

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