Saturday, June 12, 2010


This week the kidletts are healthy. I'm feeling so much better.
This was the last week of preschool for Sophie. She will be on summer break now. Her birthday isn't until June 30 so there was an early celebration for her at preschool. There was also a picnic at school on the last day.
Alex is talking up a storm. I just try to keep him safe each day. He is a climber so he can't be left alone for one second. Whenever I have to get something done the poor little guy gets strapped into his highchair.
Yo Gabba Gabba puts Alex into some sort of trance.
Alex is talking quite a bit but when he says things like Drandma instead of Grandma Sophie gets mad. I don't think she is going to have the patients to be a teacher when she grows up.
For some reason they love to go into the garage and have TV time.
Here is Sophie reading to Alex.

Sophie loves her birthday crown. She wore it all week.
Sophie was not a big fan of Ms. Sweta until the last week of school.
Here is Sophie making eggs for breakfast.

So happy to be a helper in the kitchen.
Alex loves the way Sophie makes eggs and toast.
Having peanut butter on a spoon snack.

Hanging out in the highchair so I can clean up the lunch mess.
Alex will try to climb ANYTHING !!!!
Look at my beautiful painted nails.
Playing dress up.
Just being super cute.Last day of preschool with Ms. Krissie.

Art time with markers.
A visit from cousin Holland and Great Uncle Ron and Tommie.
Sophie thinks that Holland is the cutest baby ever.
Having her new favorite snack of peanut butter on a spoon.

Poor Alex in his seat AGAIN !

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