Friday, June 18, 2010


This was my last week of being super nanny until September. I am proud to say that under my watch Sophie and Alex have had no serious injuries. They are both little dare devils and have NO FEAR. I think my job was well done just keeping them alive.
This last week was a fun one. Sophie was very into hats and tea parties this week. Whenever Alex was down for a nap Sophie would have me sit on the floor and drink pretend tea and eat pretend cookies. I would say I have read about 50 kid books this week. Sophie can never get enough reading time. She LOVES books and has become quite a little reader.

Alex also LOVES books and anything with wheels. He still loves to climb. Hopefully when I return to work his climbing days will be over. Alex's vocabulary has grown quite a bit in the last month. Everything is not super clear yet but he's working on it.

He didn't fall asleep. He just rested his head for 10 seconds.

Here is Alex mastering the fork. A little got in the hair but he did pretty good.

Watch out Sophie those 7 teeth are powerful.

I think it's almost time to pass this riding toy over to Holland.

Sophie sets the table HER WAY. Don't even try to put the cups on the saucer or she gets upset.

Having afternoon tea.

Having a snack after a swim at Grandma's house.

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