Friday, May 28, 2010


Week thirty six was good. We played in the yard and took walks to the park. After I dropped Sophie off at preschool on Wednesday Alex and I went to visit Great Grandma and Great Great Grandma. They had a fun time feeding him because he loves everything. They started out feeding them Cheerios and crackers.They felt he still had not eaten enough so they then fed him a liver sausage sandwich and potato chips with chocolate milk to drink. Alex loved the visit. When we got back to the house the neighbors were getting roofing material delivered so Alex had a great time watching all the action. Alex also loves Yo Gabba Gabba a little too much. OH MY GOSH he can't stop watching !!!
I didn't think it was possible but Sophie is talking more than she did a couple of weeks ago. She never stops talking. I mean NEVER. I feel as though my ears need to go on a little vacation.
Sophie loved the Mini Winnie motor home parked across the street. She talked about it for 15 minutes.
Alex got his 2nd haircut.
Here is Alex trying to escape out the doggie door.
Time to brush his 7 teeth
We MUST brush every day.
Bath time

Grandpa Mike came for a visit and played Dress Up with Sophie.
He looks so handsome.

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