Friday, May 21, 2010


This week was lots of fun. Sophie just keeps getting more and more fun to be around. The funniest thing she did this week was grab a baby wipe and run around the house singing the farmer in the dell. She was a bit confused about the song because the words she was singing were The wipe takes the child instead of the wife takes the child. Oh you had to be there believe me it was FUNNY.

Sweet sweet Alex is getting a bit of an attitude. He is very advanced for his age. I think he has entered the terrible twos at only 17 months. When he doesn't get his way he throws himself down on the ground. It only lasts about 15 seconds and then he is back to his sweet self. It seems like he has grown so much in the last couple of weeks. He fits right in playing at the school.

An outing to the park

Sophie loves watermelon. She would eat a whole one if I would let her.

I'm still giving Alex baths in the sink. I know he is too big but this old lady does not want to bend over the bathtub.

He looks so grown up.

This is just some goofy face he's been making and I have no idea why.

Playing at preschool

Here is Alex with his new friend Tommy from preschool. I can't explain his hair. I combed it before we left the house.

Here is Sophie playing with her friend at preschool. I hate the sandbox. Sophie comes home with sand EVERYWHERE.

Swinging at the park

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