Sunday, March 7, 2010


This week was another tiring week for this old woman. I didn't think Alex could get any faster but he did. He loves to play at the preschool in the morning and isn't too happy when he has to leave. Sophie still loves music. Her favorite artists this week have been Cool and the Gang and Al Green. Her new favorite TV shows this week are Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Sid the Science Kid. Sophie is spelling words on the computer and has learned how to correct her mistakes by using backspace on the keyboard.

Sophie has finally decided that it's OK to wear a clip in her hair.

King of the remote.

Just relaxing with a little Yo Gabba Gabba.

Here is Sophie taking pictures of me.

Still loves to dress up in the blue hat that GG gave her.

Here is Alex checking out my wine.

Playing with Grandpa.


I don't mean to brag but I just had to mention that Jeff is OFFICER OF THE YEAR !!!!

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