Sunday, February 28, 2010


This week Alex tired me out. He is getting into EVERYTHING. He loves to explore EVERYTHING. He is getting into the cabinets and climbing up bookshelves. While Sophie was in preschool I took him to the park to tire him out so he would take a nice long afternoon nap so I could get a little DOWN TIME. I NEED VITAMINS !!!!!!! Sophie is looking forward to going to Jacob's birthday party this weekend. I'm looking forward to resting this weekend !!!Checking out some birds.
Checking out the trees.

Alex always has time to smile for a picture.

On the RUN !

Here is Alex getting a snack.

Sophie can spell several words now.
just to name a few. She enjoys spelling time on the computer.
Sophie can tell you what what street,city and state she lives in.
Enjoying a little afternoon snack and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on TV.

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