Wednesday, March 10, 2010


This week we had nice weather and were able to go on lots of trips to the park. We went on an outing to GG and Great Great Grandma's house. Alex now 15 months old got his first haircut. He sat still and didn't mind it at all. Alex has been talking for a while but up until now it has sounded Swedish. This week he has decided to speak English. The words that he is
saying are Mommy, Daddy, Grandma, Grandpa, toes, shoes, door, outside, up, down, juice,
cracker, no, ball. He asked the question WHAT IS THAT about seven hundred million times this
week. I'm glad it's Saturday. My ears need a break !!!!

Playing at the park

Laughing at Grandpa

Alex loves the slide

I love it when Grandpa is able to come to the park and play with us.

Sophie relaxing at the park,

Alex doesn't like his stroller that much anymore. He loves the freedom to run and play.

Sophie just hanging out at Grandma and Grandpa's house.

GG has a nice dancing pole in her backyard.
Should we worry?

Alex is checking out the wind chime with GG.

Sophie brought her Dora the Explorer book to share with GG.

Here are Alex and Sophie playing together in the toy box. It doesn't look very comfortable to me but they were playing in there for a half an hour.
Here is Maggie just relaxing in the playroom with us.

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