Sunday, February 21, 2010


This week we had some nice weather so we went to the park a couple of times and went on a few long walks. Sophie looked at my hand one day and said "Oh Grandma let me kiss your owie" That was not an owie it was a AGE SPOT !!! HOW DEPRESSING !! While I was busy doing the lunch dishes one day Sophie used her leftover milk to do some finger painting on the refrigerator. She sure can find fun ways to entertain herself !
Mike and I met the D'Brots for lunch on Saturday and when Sophie was asked what her Grandpa's name was she responded with MICROPHONE.
GG coloring with Sophie
Sophie tried something new today. It was a glass of crystal light.

She was very proud of herself for trying something new but I got in trouble from Karen for giving her aspartame.

Sophie sometimes likes to get into Alex's bed and play with him.

Here is Alex at the park pushing the stroller.

Alex and Sophie on the swings.

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