Friday, September 10, 2010


We had a fun week. We got visits from Uncle Jeff and from GG Naomi. Sophie had her first day back to preschool after her summer break. She is in a new classroom with 3 new teachers one of them is Ms. Aunt Krissie. Sophie had a great day and was not upset when it was time for me to leave. Ms Krissie gave me a good report at the end of the day. She said that Sophie was good student and was quiet during circle time and during book reading time. I am so proud of her. It's very hard for her to be still. She made new friends and did dot painting. While Sophie was in preschool I took Alex to see Great Great Grandma Nadine. He had a great time and was stuffed with gram crackers and cookies.
Alex got a haircut. Mom took the clippers to him and he was fine until he saw his hair falling. He went into super meltdown and Dad had to hold him down while Mom finished the job. I think his new haircut is super cute. Good job Mom !!!
Uncle Jeff was attacked by Sophie and Alex when he came over.

I think poor Jeff was warn out after his visit.
GG Naomi brought french fries for the kidletts. That always makes their day.

OK ! I know they are too big for the sink but they got so dirty playing and it beats bending over the bathtub. I'M OLD.

Trash day is a big day around here . They love to watch the trash trucks come by.
Alex is making himself at home at the preschool. He never wants to leave.
Here is Sophie making sure that this boy doesn't run into her stuff.
I loved my first day of preschool.

Playing at the park
Do you like my new hairdo?
Hanging out.

Her is Alex keeping Sophie company while she does her business.
Alex loves coloring time.
New PJ's.
Playing with the train.

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