Saturday, April 3, 2010


Everybody is feeling pretty good this week. HOORAY ! My favorite Sophie story this week is when we were coloring and I was finished with my picture Sophie told me that my picture was stupendous ! That is a pretty big word for such a small person. Who says TV is bad for children? I LOVE all the children's programs on television.
This week sweet, kind, easy going Alex has has started to defend himself. When Sophie takes a toy from him it's no more Mr. Nice Guy. He is putting Sophie in her place. He has also become a dare devil. He is climbing EVERYTHING. The child proof playroom is no longer child proof. I found him standing on top of the table that he could not climb it last week. He has become such a FAST moving kid lately. Thank goodness he still takes a nap !!!!!
Getting fast at typing the alphabet

So proud of herself.

Sophie loves computer time.

Sophie is ready to go into her new classroom at preschool.

I just love his legs
Mad because his book is too big to carry.

Look at Mr. Big Stuff. He has taken over Sophie's chair.

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