Friday, March 26, 2010


OH SOMEBODY HELP ME !!! This week started out pretty bad. Colds and pink eye.Both Alex and Sophie were quite cranky. Thursday the kidletts started feeling better. I used quite a bit of BLEACH & LYSOL around the house to clean up the germs. YES I also had pink eye and I am so sick of being sick ! Did I mention NOT FUN TO PUT EYE DROPS in little people's eyes.Alex is usually a VERY HAPPY guy.

Sophie's pink eye.

Alex heading for the drawers to make a big mess.

Sophie is ALMOST tall enough to ride her tricycle. Maybe in another month or so.

Playing together.

Alex on a trip to GG's house. He was trying to climb the ladder so he could get to the wind chimes

Dancing on the pole again.

Grandma I'm feeling better can we please go to the park.

Feeling better

Please please please take me outside.

Alex is trying to play and be happy but still feeling a little down.

A little kiss for Elmo.

Getting ready for Easter.

Sophie is so excited. I told her she will be able to go to preschool next week.

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