Sunday, December 6, 2009


I had a week off. Now I'm well rested and back to being super nanny. This week we got to spend lots of time at the park. We went to visit Great Grandma Naomi and Great Great Grandma Nadine. Alex is letting go of furniture now and walking about 10 steps. Gloria spent time with us this week .

Thanks Uncle Jack for my Cinderella Doll.

Thanks Uncle Jack for my new walker toy. I love it.

Here is Sophie and Alex in their Christmas sweaters. Ready to visit the Grandmas.

We went for a visit to see Grandpa Mike too.

Alex loves to make lots of noise with his puzzle

After a rough labor Rob and Jamie have a beautiful baby girl.

Holland Marie.

Pushing the stroller at the park,

Sophie loves the slide

Sophie loves to get dirty !!

I don't know how much longer they will fit in the kitchen sink.

They love to brush their teeth.

Here is Sophie waiting to go on stage to sing in the Christmas program. Sophie is very shy so we are very proud that she got on the stage. HOWEVER she didn't sing her song she danced and jumped instead and loved the applause.

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