Friday, October 16, 2009


This week went well. We had some rain at the beginning of the week and then 85 degrees weather on Friday. This week Sophie has decided that she is going to be a bee for Halloween. Last week she wanted to be a bat. I sure think being a bee is a better idea ! Alex loves to try new foods. He tried avocado and loves it. He also loves corn flakes with milk on them. He is not wanting the bottle much these days. He is taking his naps without being held to go to sleep and Mom and Dad are happy because he is sleeping a full 12 hours at night.Alex loves to stand up by the wall unit when he's not opening the doors.
Here is Alex eating avocado. YUMMY

Alex can walk all over the place with a little help.

Alex in his cute USC jacket

We finally got some rain so Sophie got to wear her soft rain jacket that Auntie Tommie got for her.

Sophie can't get enough computer time

A trip to the pumpkin patch

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