Friday, April 15, 2011


We had a fun week with lots of things to do. Next week is SPRING BREAK. Sophie's Preschool Picture.

Sophie was so shy last year that she didn't get her picture taken with the rest of the class.

This year she did a GREAT JOB.

Mommy gave Alex a haircut. Going to the market with Grandma and Grandpa. A trip to Tanaka Farms with the preschool and Sophie's favorite teacher Ms. Krissie. Sophie picked lots of yummy strawberries
The nerds had to stop in the garage and read a book before going in the house after our walk to the park.
Swinging at the park
A play date with cousin Holland

Sophie raised lots of money for the preschool and did great at the tricycle a thon.
This is Holland and Alex waiting for the tricycle a thon.
An Apple a day keeps the doctor away.
Having a little snack at the park.

A long walk at the park.
There was a duck in the bushes and Sophie and Alex wanted it to come out.


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