Saturday, March 26, 2011


Sophie and Alex were a little sad this week because there was rain and we had to stay in to play for a couple of days. They continue to help me make breakfast and every morning and Sophie is getting pretty good at cracking the eggs.
(she calls it hatching the egg) Alex likes to wear this shirt because of the googlie eyes.

We got a visit from GG and Alex loves nothing more that GG reading to him.

Sophie is off to school. She loves the pants because they are her favorite color.

Sophie is showing me her ballet moves.

He is super happy because he is going to go to the store with me while Sophie is in school. He told me he did not want to sit in the cart so I told him that was fine if he held on to the cart. He did GREAT. He was a super helper. He even put groceries in the cart for me. He did such a great job that when he asked for chocolate milk how could I say no.

Alex is being a construction worker. He is wearing the hat so the blocks don't fall on his head when he is building towers.

It is cold and rainy outside so he rode his tricycle in the garage.

Hooray we get to play outside.

Alex and I picked up cousin Holland and Aunt Tommie and went to dinosaur park.

I DON'T KNOW what he is looking for.

Cute !

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