Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Weekend with Sophie and Alex

JP and Karen went to Vegas for their 6th wedding anniversary. I stayed with the little kidletts so they could celebrate. We had a super good time together. We walked to the mall to get french fries, played outside in the backyard, went swimming, played dress up and read lots of books. Chris came over and took Sophie in the pool so now Chris is one of Sophie's new best friends.

Alex is now 19 months old. My sweet little Alex is advanced for his age. YEP ! He has hit the terrible twos early. He has developed a bit of an attitude. He hates to be told NO and he wants to do everything for himself especially feed himself. His vocabulary has grown so much in the last month. He is forming sentences.He knows the ABC song and can recognise all of the letters. He counts to 10 and wants lots and lots of attention. He still loves cars and loves to tell me about all the pictures in his books.

Little Ms. Sophie is 3. She is so much fun. She loves to be outside and loves to play with her brother. She is a great reader and a non stop talker. She likes to help me make scrambled eggs for breakfast and is one big bundle of energy. She loves to dress up like a princess and use her magic wand.

Messy Alex after ice cream.

Alex loves to feed himself. This is yogurt

Yogurt mess.

Sophie Lou

Grandpa and Sophie

Do you think they fit?

Alex did NOT want any help with his spaghetti.

Spaghetti is one of Sophie's favorite foods.


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