Saturday, May 1, 2010


Another good week. Alex is looking so grown up now. He cracks me up. Right now he is saying lots of words but when he puts all the words together he sounds exactly like Ozzy Osborne. He finally got the third tooth on the bottom. It looks like there is lots going on in his mouth right now. His favorite things this week are mornings at preschool,books, and running. Playing at preschool.

Watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.

Look how grown up.

Looking so cute in a hat.


This is Sophie's princess outfit.

The teacher gene???

I love the crown.

Never enough DJ. Lance.

Alex is starting to get letters and numbers right.

Tricycle time at preschool

Playing at preschool.

Alex loves Sophie's preschool. He will have so much fun when he becomes a student here.

King of the playground.

Here is Alex making friends with the older kids.

I put Sophie to work watering the plants in the backyard.

Yo Gabba Gabba time.

I don't know what this is about. I just thought is was funny.

Don't tell Mommy we were taking pictures on the kitchen table.

Sophie loves to wear the hat that GG gave her.

Such a sweet girl.

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