Saturday, May 15, 2010


This week Alex has been singing songs that I didn't know he had words for. He never gives me a moment of peace. He wants to be read to every minute that Sophie is away at school. He still loves to play in the morning at the preschool. He never runs out of energy.
Sophie loves her new room at preschool. She has been learning new songs every day and loves to tell me the days of the week and the months of the year. She is asking me how to spell EVERYTHING. She is figuring out how to read.

So sweet.

It's so nice when Sophie holds still long enough for me to get a picture of her.
Alex loves to get into the cabinet and make lots of noise with the bowls.

This is a picture taken when Alex and Sophie are having an afternoon snack and watching TV.
I LOVE TV. It's an hour of peace and quiet for me.

This is Alex trapped in his chair so he can't get into any trouble.

At least SOMEBODY thinks I'm funny.
Goofy guy.
Playing at Preschool

Sophie on the run at preschool
More fun at school.

Sophie love when GG comes over and reads to her.

Just hanging out in the playroom.

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