Sunday, April 18, 2010


Back to being Super Nanny after a week off. This week was a great one. Sophie loved going back to school after her spring break. She amazes me each and every day with her incredible memory. She now knows how to count by 10s to 100, knows 30 states, 7 days of the week and the 12 months of the year. She can't get enough books. She has a Dora the Explorer book that she has memorized 35 pages (I don't think she is reading it) While riding in the car she loves to listen to music.
Alex is growing up so fast. He loves to run and play. He loves to play with cars and trucks. When he gets a little older maybe Grandpa will have someone who will enjoy car shows with him and I won't have to go anymore. He is such a lover, he just can't get enough hugs and kisses.

Going back to school after a week off.

Watching one of her TV shows.

Still a big fan of Elmo.

Computer time.

Just playing while Sophie is at preschool.

Another bookworm like his Sister and Mother.

Relaxing in the toy box.

Sophie and Alex having a little snack together.

Another snack.

It won't be too much longer before Alex won't fit in my kitchen sink.

Sophie always swipes raisins from Alex.

Here is Sophie playing train.

Just hanging out together.
Sophie found out she likes blue lolly pops.

This haircut was a HUGE step for Sophie. She had such stranger danger a few months ago she would have thrown a BIG fit. She didn't love to get the haircut but SHE DID IT ! I'm so proud of her. It was a much needed haircut just to fix the damage Karen and I have done to her hair. It was SOOOOOOOO UNEVEN. THANKS SUPER CUTS.

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