Monday, January 11, 2010


This week started out great. Sophie enjoyed her first day back to preschool after having a 2 week break. She has been enjoying a John Fogerty concert that Grandpa taped for her. She LOVES her music. Alex has been busy exploring. He loves to get into EVERYTHING. He loves opening drawers and cabinets to see what fun things he can find. Whenever I pick up my camera he puts a grin on his face and says cheese. He learned how to work the velcro on his shoes so I keep finding him without shoes on his feet

We went on an outing on Thursday to visit Grandpa Mike before he had to go to work. When I brought the kids back to the house Sophie was sleeping in the car so I carried her to bed and she took a 3 hour nap. After I went home Karen called to tell me that Sophie was throwing up. Karen stayed home on Friday in case Sophie was still sick. I went over to give her a hand and it was a good thing because Alex came down with a fever. When Saturday rolled around everyone seemed OK so we all went to Grandma and Grandpa Vitko's house for a birthday luncheon for JP. We all felt fine while we were at the luncheon but by the time we got home JP and I were sick. Notice Alex has no shoes on.

Here is Sophie wearing the hat Holly got Alex for his birthday.

Thanks Holly ! Sophie loves it.

Even with a fever Alex is a happy guy.

Sophie's not feeling so good today.

Still a bookworm like his Mom and Sister

Here is Sophie after enjoying some of my famous spaghetti.

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